
My Projects, Startup and Hackathon Wins

Lotto Insights

Lotto Insights

I got this idea when i joined Devcup Hackathon. The theme for tha said hackathon was "Insights". I developed an app that gives Lotto Number Frequency and Lotto combination tools.

PH Phone

PH Phone

I tried my luck to earn from advertisements. I created a scrapper that scraps Philippines establishment and commercial telephone numbers, social site, website and address. A yellow pages website.

Decentralized Innovations Startups' Hackathon - DISH 2019 - 1st Place Winner

Decentralized Innovations Startups' Hackathon - DISH 2019 - 1st Place Winner

The winner of this year’s DISH is Michael Galon’s (Gigamike’s) ProsperEOS (PEOS), a completely decentralized funding platform. Mr. Galon opted for a product that aims to solve problems of existing funding platforms. These problems include the tracking of money, the lack of engagement, lack of resources, and marketing for projects. bitpinas.com. For more details please check my blog "My Decentralized Innovations Startups’ Hackathon – DISH 2019 Experience".

HackManila 2018 - 1st Place Winner

HackManila 2018 - 1st Place Winner

Hack Manila 2018 was the first of August 99’s large-scale hackathons. "Mik Galon, aka GigaMike, built a remarkable system that impressed every Hack Manila mentor. He succeeded in creating an app for the PartnerPortal Challenge, sponsored by Oqulo, which allows users to avail great products from brand partners at discounted rates. He also added more capabilities to his app that went above and beyond the expectations for the weekend’s hackathon, such as a 360° VR Product Preview, Alexa Skills using an Amazon Echo, and a Payment Gateway via Blockchain. What’s even more impressive is that he achieved all these on his own one-man-team." hackmanila.com

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